On- Site @ 3590 Grove St. Marathon, NY 13803
Sunday June26 @ 10 AM * Preview begins @ 9 AM
Directions: From the Center of Marathon, NY: Go West on NY RT 221 (.4) mile to LEFT on Grove St. Go (.2) miles to Auction on LEFT. Signs Posted.
Personal Property to be sold at absolute auction to the highest bidders regardless of price to include:
ZERO TURN: KUBOTA ZD331 w/ 424 hrs., 72” cut, ROPS, 3 cyl. Diesel, hydro.
GENERATOR: RIGID 8500 starting watts/ 6800 running watts w/ Yamaha 360 eng.(hardly used).
TRAILER: 2010 PEQEAU 6.5’ x 15’ tandem equipment trailer 12,000 # w/ (2) 6k axles w/ brakes.
TOOLS/EQUIPMENT/ MISC. PERSONAL PROPERTY: IH no. 37 -12’ transport disc; CRAFTSMAN tool chests FULL; GOOD YEAR engine stand; 2 ton folding shop crane; DURAHEAT 210,000 BTU ready heater; 55,000 BTU heater; nascar jacks; BOLENS 4.5hp push mower; WHITE LT135 riding lawn mower; power lights; chain falls; 20-10-8 ATV tires; 22-11-8 ATV tires; DEWALT 4.5 gal. 200 psi air comp.; DEWALT D55168 200 psi- 15 gal. air comp.(like new); DIE HARD 12 V battery charger; 12 gal. shop vac.; MILWAULKEE cordless grease gun; SKILL SAW 10” table saw; DEWALT DW708 Chop saw w/ stand/ blades; ; SIMPSON 6.5 hp pressure washer w/ Kohler eng.; Excell pressure washer w/ honda eng. (needs work); FIMCO sprayer; BUYERS tailgate spreader; JD tractor roof; HUSKEE 10 cu ft trailer; HONDA GX 35 weed eater; STIHL 025 chainsaw; HUSQVARNA 49 chain saw; Concrete power trowel w/ honda eng.; caster carts; paint sprayer; misc. lumber; K-760-DEMO saw; chop saw; 50 gallon fuel tank; (10) dog crates; Boxes of meal ready emergency meals; hunting gear; chest freezer; small wood furnace; A/C units (like new); leaf blower; ext. cords; jacks; fans; gun reloader; gun sight stand; snow shoes; KITCHEN AID refrigerator; coolers; bench grinder; 3/4 “ socket set; TRAIL FX truck tool chest; MOOSE ATV snow plow; PEACE mini chopper; HOBART 305cc generator; gates; 12 x 12 canopy; ext. ladders(mint); lawn sweeper; CANNONDALE 10 speed bike; GARY FISHER 21 speed mtn bike; garden tools; shovels/ forks/ trimmers; ratchet straps; binders; wrench sets; hardware sets; fire extinguishers; saws; air tools; welding supplies; grinders; 275 gal. fuel tanks; dog crates; wheelbarrows; table saws; flashing; propane tanks; misc. wire; elec. supplies; fencing items; vises; transit; ladders; misc. building materials; ladder jacks; screen doors; pully’s; DEWALT cordless power tools in cases; copper pipe; scrap metals; army canisters; oils/ paints; stone; concrete steps; power tools, tools, tools and more tools……… Dressers; display cabinet; old wood furnace; RADIO FLYER tricycle; ice tongs, household goods and much, much more! Expect surprises.
Personal Property Terms: Cash, check, Visa and Mastercard accepted. 10% buyer’s premium with extra 3% fee for credit card. All items sold “As Is, Where Is”, absolutely, regardless of price. Driver’s license required for bid number. Subject to errors and omissions.
AUCTIONEERS NOTE: Good old fashioned country Auction! Tools and items are in tip top condition. Bid your price the AUCTION WAY! Children always welcomed.
Another Auction Sale Managed by………………………………………………………..
SDZ Auctions
Steven D. Zogg Real Estate * Auction & Cattle Co. * PA Auction Lic. #5532
1264 St. Rt. 392 Cortland, NY 13045 * “A COMPLETE AUCTION SERVICE”
www.SDZauctions.com; sdz@sdzauctions.com 607.423.3293